I wanna show you these 3 gorgeous pieces that I have found at ESPRIT store in Basel. Two of them were on SALE! yay! so I was in need of a nice black skirt and guess what I found two which is never surprising for me, as I always tend to find so many must have pieces which makes it super hard for me to decide. but when both of them are on SALE I just go for both! 🙂 the skirt on the left is a black stretch pencilskirt with an opening in the front. This skirt looks better on me when I wear heels somehow the cut makes my legs look very short when I wear it with flats. I would pair it with my favorite silk blouse or a simple white shirt. the black skirt to the right is a very comfy mini skirt with beautiful details on the side. this skirt looks very nice with flats and I am sure that I will wear it many times with my gorgeous flat sandals I have found in Mulhouse. 🙂 and last but not least I got myself this stunning beige pink dress. its magic because you can throw this on and you are good to go! no matter if with heels or flats. for hot days I would just wear it like this and for fall I could see myself wearing it with a trenchcoat or a blazer. aww.. cant wait to wear it and show you my outfits. stay tuned! xx