“THERE IS ALWAYS AN OPEN DOOR” – there is always a way – might not be easy and simple but in the end there will be a solution!
today I wanna share with you my tips and tricks on how I keep the world informed about I SAW SOMETHING NICE. some things might be very simple and some need a bit more research but I am sure it will be totally worth it.
always carry businesscards with you because you never know who you are going to meet and it always gives a nice impression when you have your own cards. use the same design for your cards as you use for your website this is called CD aka corporate design and is part of the CI aka corporate identity. in my case I buy blank white cards and I use a stamp with the same font that I use on the blog to make my cards.
let your friends and followers know what you do and share your links and photos with them via all the different channels and platforms there are. if you only share words, hashtags and links then twitter might be your thing, in case it is more about images, texts and links then facebook should be your thing and when its mainly about images and hashtags then instagram is your thing. I mainly use facebook but also share my fotos via instagram and share my links via twitter. there are certain times when your audience is online and offline and it is key to find that out and post according to their schedule.
it is very important to know your people. who reads your content, what age, what gender? do you know these things? there are many ways to find out. I use google analytics and I find it very easy. once you know your followers and readers you can also find out more about their behaviour and lifestyle. are these people a lot in front of the computer or are they mainly using the smartphone because they are students or younger folks? to know such things are key to a successful and widespread content.
what do you read in the internet? do you read blogs or feeds or are you subscribed to newsletters? do you like to watch videos, if so do you like to watch tutorials or vlogs? the best question for great content is: WOULD I LIKE TO READ OR WATCH IT? if so go ahead and do it, I am sure you will be successful due to your authenticity and passion.
BUT you have to give credits – this is crucial! when you take a photo that you didnt take yourself it is always best to ask before. in case they dont answer or you can not contact them then anyway always put the correct credits, such as link, author etc.
I hope that was helpful, I will try to post more of these tips and tricks in the future. stay tuned. X